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  • 7 Tips for Winterizing Your Home

    Saturday, November 22, 2014   /   by Rachel Green

    7 Tips for Winterizing Your Home

    Photo source: http://irepairheatingandair.com/winterizing-your-home/

    It’s that time of year...time to winterize your home! While some of the bigger tasks should be handled by a professional, you can do some of the other tasks on your own. Here are 7 tips for winterizing your home!

    1. Clean your rain gutters & cover your swamp cooler

    You MUST clean your rain gutters and cover your swamp cooler! Clearing out leaves, debris and other materials from your rain gutters and swamp cooler will help protect your house against water damage, which can save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in future repairs. If you would like, you can also contact a professional gutter cleaning service.

    You will also want to clean leaves and other debris from your A/C unit as well as cover it for the winter.

    2. Replace your furnace filter and get an inspection

    This is very important to keeping your house warm during the winter. Check the filter on a monthly basis and replace it as needed. This will allow your heater to more effectively warm your home, saving you money on utility bills and extending the life of the heater. It is easy to replace furnace filters , but make sure to research which one to buy and how to install it.

    Get your furnace inspected to make sure it is safe and able to keep your home nice and toasty during the winter months.

    3. Install a programmable thermostat

    Installing an updated thermostat can save you money on monthly utility bills. Programmable thermostats increase efficiency, regulate the temperature in your home and can help you save on utility bills. Make sure to contact an electrician if you have issues with the wiring in order to safely install your new thermostat.

    4. Check your insulation

    Make sure there aren’t any pests, mold, or other issues with the insulation in your attic. If there are problems, address them immediately. In some cases, you will need to contact a professional who knows how to properly lay and install insulation.

    5. Insulate your windows and doors

    Make sure that your windows and doors are insulated to keep the warm air inside. Place your hand against window and door frames to feel for cold air coming through any openings. If there are any leaks, you will need to apply caulking or weather stripping to seal them up. Again, this can save you money on your utility bills.

    6. Winterize your sprinkler systems, disconnect garden hoses

    This tip is HUGE! Make sure that your sprinkling system is winterized, especially before the freezing temperatures hit. Sprinklers that have not been properly blown out can freeze, causing the pipes to crack and corrode. If this occurs, you may have to replace your entire sprinkling system.

    Also, disconnect your garden hoses from their bibs. You’ll save your hose and pipes from breaking.

    7. Cover your window wells

    Cover your window wells to prevent snow and ice from leaking into your home. These can be purchased at home improvement stores.

    Benefits of Winterizing

    If you’re still not convinced that you should winterize, remember that taking these steps can prevent big problems down the road, such as:

    -Collapsed roof

    -Fire hazards

    -Carbon monoxide leaks

    -Loss of electricity

    -Costly heating bills

    -Insurance claims


    -Broken pipes

    -Costly repair bills

    To find a professional to help out with any items on your winterizing checklist, visit www.UtahNOWresources.com.

    *Content derived from utahenergy.org