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  • Escape to the West Desert

    Wednesday, April 22, 2020   /   by Chris Green

    Escape to the West Desert

    Day trip to isolation, to escape the isolation...

    We are wrapping up week five of #stayhome #staysafe and if you're like us, you are suffering from cabin fever. You've probably been dreaming of a way to beat this COVID-19 self-solation.   If you need an escape from your quarantine spot, quarantine partner, or even your quarantine kids, this is for you.  To escape your isolation, I want you to go to the middle of nowhere for more isolation.  Go and load up the vehicle, grab all the fixings to make a great picnic, but and make sure you have some extra snacks because you will be gone for 4 to five hours at least, but you could easily make it an all day affair.. Before you hit the road, really ask yourself if this trip is just for you, or is it also for everyone you are quarantined with to escape from isolation with you. After you have your answer, invite those from your household or invite no one and get on the road.

    Head west my friends, to the West Desert of Utah.  One of my favorite spots is the Pony Express road heading out to Simpson Springs.   There are so many things to see: longhorn steers, antelope, wild horses and various kinds of birds.  Yes, I said wild horses. There is a spring that looks more like a trough where the horses come to drink and you can actually watch these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. HERE is a link to the details of how to find it. I have heard that there are buffalo out there too, but I have yet to see any.  

    If animals are not your thing, (I'm not sure we can be friends), but that's okay, we can't hang out right now anyway) there are geode beds that you can mine for your own treasures.  Remember to pack a shovel so you can pick and dig around the geode beds to look for rocks and gems.  You can take whatever you find up to 250lbs, except for dedicated areas you cannot mine.  If you decide to add this to your adventure, you will just continue to drive south/west. This route will take you past the Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, which gives you more wildlife for your viewing pleasure.

    The isolation of the desert sounds pretty awesome, doesn’t it? It's a weird feeling, trying to beat isolation with isolation, but trust me; it's one you'll be glad you had.  These pictures are from when Rachel (my quarantine partner and wifey) and I went last week. We had no human interaction, except for waving at the many other people passing by in their vehicles on their own journey to find some normalcy during all of this chaos. If you are anything like me, you will feel free in the vast isolation of the desert. Fun fact: You can make it all the way to Wendover on dirt roads if you're committed, but don't forget the casinos are closed. I for one can't wait to get back out there and hopefully see those great land beasts (the buffalo) and find more peace in the middle of nowhere. 

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